Sunday, May 3, 2009

Feeling Scared

So who was it that said if we feel scared of our government ...tyranny? Oh wait, that was Thomas Jefferson. It is a quote I have been hearing more of lately. Then I am forced to ask myself, do I fear my government? Well, I sure do! I mean they are to me as an adult, what my parents were to me when I was a young child. I hid things from my parents in fear of getting caught, especially in areas where I was ill-informed of the exact rules. So I do fear my government, not because I am doing something wrong, but because I don't know how far off they can determine something that is right as wrong. Yes, mis-communicators, abusers of power, bullies and idiots all scare me; and there seems to be many of these in our government. As there have been forever. These types of people date far back as in Dante's Inferno, that Cesar, a politician, was in the very center of hell. There are bad people and idiots in every part of our system, dictating to us how to live our very lives, simply because they had the money and confidence to win a popularity contest.

This world I find myself in is really starting to disgust me. Disney World and the City of Parma have the own lobbyists for government money?

I would also like to know what is going on to reform our unconstitutional school taxing in Ohio. There was a ruling at least two years ago, which appears no change has come about. Hell, what's the point in having a constitution, especially when we want to add things to it regarding gay marriage. Sorry, but out government really shouldn't have a say in what sex a person must be to be allowed marriage; I mean thought we were about equal rights? Oh wait, but not if your gay. How asinine. The fact that Ohio put a ban on gay marriage even on the ballot is really embarrassing and shameful. It is even more shameful that our public officials want to make an issue of it. I thought church and state were supposed to be separate.

Our constitutions should be left alone unless they are to expand the citizens rights or restrict the government.

And what the hell is up with people hating various opinions, like FoxNews? I watch CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews. I also enjoy reading various places out on the Internet, such as the BBC. I like them all for their various opinions and different view points. Are people really so closed minded? I can't believe a teacher told a student to not watch FoxNews, utterly ridiculous. Why don't we burn the books, too?

I am severely disappointed in our elected officials. Bush enacted the horrible Patriot Act and the start of these corporate bailouts and now Obama is on a spending frenzy. The First Lady and $500 shoes, it must be nice to have the kind of money, especially when millions of people are losing their jobs, while watching their tax dollars get handed over to corporate America. The last time I checked, I couldn't spend my way out of debt. I can't run up every credit card I have and then come out on top! It just doesn't work that way.

I desperately want to see change come to insurance and health care in America, but it just isn't socialized health care. I might be poor (and have no insurance), but I know that I can at least get timely emergency care when I need it. I have found some interesting thoughts here:

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